How does an eight-year-old learn to make a difference?
At the age of seven, children enter a stage of cognitive development that allows the egocentrism they knew as a toddler to disappear. We challenge the student to think outside their existence and to be a contribution to their communities. Every time a student is eligible for advancement in rank, a community service project that benefits their household, school, or community must be completed. This undertaking will model a simple process that will grow in scale over time and with each new undertaking. These steps are:
Acknowledge there is a problem or opportunity (Outside themselves).
Develop a plan.
Enlist at least two peers (build a team).
Perform the service (lead a team).
Present the project and recognize where the team succeeded and where the team fell short.
Document the project and build a portfolio.
Our goal is to see our students develop in their leadership capacity through repetitive ACTION and a Commitment to Constant And Never-ending Improvement in those actions.
When our students reach Black Belt Mastery, they will be young adults and well on their way to being proven leaders in whatever path they take in life (With a portfolio filled with many accomplishments). We will have successfully developed the leaders or the future.