Arte Suave
Arte Suave Jiu-Jitsu Academy is a newer school opened in Charlotte, but by NO means new to Jiu-Jitsu. Arte Suave traces their Jiu-Jitsu lineage back to GF Team in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Professor Hiago Freitas started his lessons at the age of 16 in Rio and was a champion by 17. Professor James Walsh is a life-long martial artist and was awarded his blackbelt from GF Team Massachusetts Professor Mau-Mau and Professor John Piper of Charlotte Jiu-Jitsu Academy. Arte Suave is a technically proficient school that will transform your child into kind, confident, and adept jiu-jitsu practitioners. The GF Team founder, Mestre Julio Pereira, is known for teaching Brazil's favelas and sharing his passion for lifting others to succeed no matter their socioeconomic status.